The Dorothy Day Guild
4513 Manhattan College Parkway
Bronx, NY 10471
Dorothy Day Guild apoya e impulsa la causa de canonización de Dorothy Day, iniciada por la Archidiócesis de Nueva York como santa por la Iglesia Católica Romana, y promueve, en beneficio de todas las personas interesadas en la justicia social, el conocimiento de Dorothy Day, sus escritos, el movimiento del Catholic Worker que cofundó, y su vida y testimonio del Evangelio.
Dorothy Day Guild trabaja para apoyar la canonización de la Sierva de Dios Dorothy Day. Ayudamos a reunir pruebas de la santidad de Dorothy a través de las oraciones y peticiones de nuestros miembros, así como de las gracias, favores y posibles milagros que puedan haber recibido por intercesión de Dorothy. También trabajamos para promover el conocimiento de la vida de heroica virtud de Dorothy a través de programas y eventos educativos centrados en su hospitalidad con los pobres, su vida de pobreza voluntaria y su testimonio del Evangelio de la paz.
Somos una asociación de fieles que trabaja para impulsar la causa de canonización de Dorothy Day, laica, conversa católica, activista por la paz, madre soltera y cofundadora del movimiento del Catholic Worker. Fundada en 2005, la Cofradía apoya el proceso oficial de santidad de Dorothy y promueve su legado de pobreza voluntaria y no violencia y su testimonio único del Evangelio.
Nuestro trabajo depende sobre todo del apoyo de nuestros miembros, que además de su apoyo financiero a nuestra causa en Roma se comprometen a rezar por la canonización de Dorothy, a compartir su historia y a vivir su legado de no violencia evangélica y pobreza voluntaria en nuestro mundo.
La Cofradía está espiritual y prácticamente fortalecida por los talentos y la experiencia del comité asesor, que incluye a personas que conocieron a Dorothy en vida, así como a aquellos que están involucrados en llevar adelante su legado en varios campos. Entre los miembros del comité asesor se encuentran Catholic Workers, académicos, Benedictinos, periodistas y editores que trabajan en medios de comunicación católicos y clérigos de la archidiócesis de Nueva York.
En Nueva York, la Cofradía está dirigida por los miembros de nuestro comité ejecutivo, George Horton, Deirdre Cornell y el Dr. Kevin Ahern. Nuestro postulador en Roma es el Dr. Waldery Hilgeman, abogado canónico y experto en causas de santidad estadounidenses. El Dr. Hilgman es el enlace entre la Cofradía y el Dicasterio para las Causas de los Santos en el Vaticano.
Kevin Ahern, PhD is a public theologian and professor of Religious Studies at Manhattan College in New York, where he directs the Dorothy Day Center for the Study and promotion of Social Catholicism. He is the author of Structures of Grace: Catholic Organizations Serving the Global Common Good and editor of several books. Kevin served as president of two international associations of the faithful, the International Movement of Catholic Students (2003-2007) and ICMICA-Pax Romana, a global network of Catholic professionals (2016-2021). @kevin_ahern
Deirdre Cornell is an author and the managing editor of Maryknoll magazine. She grew up in the Catholic Worker movement in a home deeply influenced by Dorothy Day and later served as a Maryknoll lay missioner in Mexico with her husband and five children. Deirdre holds a master's degree in theology and is the author of four books, including Jesus Was a Migrant and American Madonna: Crossing Borders with the Virgin Mary.
George B. Horton graduated from Holy Cross College in 1967, and from the University of Pennsylvania Law School in 1973. In 1981, he began work for Catholic Charities and in 1991 became the Director of the Department of Social and Community Development. He co-founded an educational and storytelling program for people who are homeless. He is currently retired after serving 41 years at Catholic Charities. Since its inception, he has assisted in the Canonization Cause of Dorothy Day, and has participated in The Dorothy Day Guild.
Casey Mullaney earned a doctorate in moral theology from the University of Notre Dame in 2022. Originally from upstate New York, she is now a member of the St. Peter Claver Catholic Worker community in South Bend, Indiana.
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Manhattan College, former president of the International Movement of Catholic Students
Retired businessman, catalyst for annual Dorothy Day lecture at Manhattan College, his alma mater
A member of the Benedictine Community and Prioress of Transfiguration Monastery in Windsor, New York, who is a teacher, writer, and retreat leader
A longtime practitioner of Catholic Worker hospitality, most currently at the Peter Maurin Farm in Marlboro, New York, with her husband, Tom
Community member in New York City and CW editor in the late 1970s, author of several major books on Day and editor of her journals and correspondence who has written extensively on the lives of the saints
Former chaplain to the New York City house who presided at Day’s funeral Mass, visual artist who has painted several portraits of Day in her later years
Director of Social and Community Development, New York Catholic Charities, and a vice-postulator
Cofounder and Coordinator of the Dorothy Day Canonization Support Network
Retired physician who coordinates the cause’s transcription process
Executive Director, New York Catholic Charities
With her late husband, Mark, co-author of major studies on the Catholic Worker movement and co-founder of a house of hospitality in Houston, Texas
Author of first extensive bibliography of the writings by and about Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker and a retired attorney whose practice focused primarily on affordable housing
Carmina Chapp, Catholic theologian, educator, and founder with her husband, Larry, of the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker Farm in Harveys Lake, Pennsylvania
Author, former Maryknoll lay missioner, long active in migrant ministry
Journalist and producer of podcast and videos at America magazine
community member originally in the Midwest and later in New York City in the 1960s and frequent voice in the paper for the intellectual and spiritual roots of the movement’s pacifism
Peace activist and current member of the New York City CW community who also bears the distinction of being one of Dorothy Day’s nine grandchildren
Community member and editor in New York City during the VietNam era, a frequent contributor to the paper who for decades, with her husband Patrick, maintained Dorothy’s beach cottage on Staten Island
Peace activist and archivist, responsible for the Catholic social action holdings at Marquette University, including the Dorothy Day-Catholic Worker Collection
Bishop of Camden, New Jersey
Marketing Coordinator for Commonweal magazine
A Woman of Conscience, a Saint for Our Time
Dorothy Day Guild apoya e impulsa la causa de canonización de Dorothy Day, iniciada por la Archidiócesis de Nueva York como santa de la Iglesia Católica Romana, y promueve, en beneficio de todas las personas interesadas en la justicia social, el conocimiento de Dorothy Day, sus escritos, el movimiento del Catholic Worker que cofundó, y su vida y testimonio del Evangelio.
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