
Dorothy Day: laica, activista por la paz, conversa al catolicismo, madre soltera, cofundadora del movimiento del Catholic Worker... ¡y quizás pronto santa!

Dorothy Day Guild es una asociación de fieles que trabajan juntos para apoyar y promover la causa de canonización de Dorothy Day. Desde 2005, la Cofradía (Guild) ha apoyado la causa oficial de santidad de Dorothy en la Iglesia Católica Romana y ha trabajado para promover su legado de no violencia evangélica y pobreza voluntaria.

Acerca del Dorothy Day Guild

Somos una asociación de fieles que trabaja para impulsar la causa de canonización de Dorothy Day, laica, conversa católica, activista por la paz, madre soltera y cofundadora del movimiento del Catholic Worker. Fundado en 2005, la Cofradía apoya el proceso oficial de santidad de Dorothy y promueve su legado de pobreza voluntaria y no violencia y su testimonio único del Evangelio.

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El mayor reto del día es: ¿Cómo llevar a cabo una revolución del corazón, una revolución que tiene que empezar por cada uno de nosotros?


Gracias, Favores y Milagros

Una de las responsabilidades de la Cofradía es documentar la ayuda concedida a través de la intercesión de Dorothy Day. Nada debe considerarse demasiado insignificante como para informar de ello.

Con gratitud, acogemos su experiencia

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Latest News

por Casey Mullaney 10 de febrero de 2025
Dear friends and members of the Dorothy Day Guild, We hope that this missive finds you well on the feast of St. Scholastica, twin sister to St. Benedict and the founder of the first Benedictine monastic community for women. Taught by Peter Maurin, who loved the communitarian spirit of the Benedictine monks and nuns, and the esteem in which they held hospitality and manual labor, Dorothy took an early interest in the Benedictine tradition.
Dorothy photographed with community members at the Peter Maurin farm. Photo by Vivian Cherry
por Casey Mullaney 26 de enero de 2025
Dear friends and members of the Dorothy Day Guild, Greetings to each of you on a chilly winter morning! As I write this, the sun is peeking over the trees and illuminating the bird tracks on the snowy rooftop outside my window. These crisp days are exciting, especially for those of us who are just beginning the semester at school or university, and we hope each of you is finding fulfillment in good work undertaken in the new year. Our Catholic Worker community here in South Bend was recently blessed with a visit from our dear friend Carmen Trotta, an advisor to the Dorothy Day Guild and long-time member of the New York Catholic Worker community.
por Casey Mullaney 23 de diciembre de 2024
Dear friends and members of the Dorothy Day Guild, As Advent draws to a close and we anticipate the Nativity of the Lord, we hope that these are days of joyful waiting for each of you! All of us at the Guild welcome the chance to be in touch with you and to share a few updates, photos, and reflections before the great celebrations of Christmas. Dorothy loved this time of year

 ¿Por qué unirse a la Dorothy Day Guild?

Si crees en la importancia de la vida de Dorothy Day, unirte a la Dorothy Day Guild es una forma directa de mostrar que apoyas la causa de su canonización. A su vez, el crecimiento constante del número de miembros de la Cofradía indica la vitalidad del apoyo desde las bases a la causa y nos permite seguir ofreciendo programas y recursos gratuitos para promover el legado de Dorothy de hospitalidad, pobreza voluntaria y no violencia evangélica.


Past Events

Mass for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons

Wednesday, November 29th, 2023

MASS: 6:00 PM 


Church of Our Saviour

59 Park Ave. (at 38th St.) 

New York, NY 10016

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    Join us in a Celebration of  Eucharist for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons on the 43rd anniversary of the Death of Servant of God, Dorothy Day with Archbishop John C. Wester of Santa Fe, author of Living in the Light of Christ's Peace: A Conversation Toward Nuclear Disarmament

Radical Action: Tracing Dorothy Day

September 18, 2023 —

December 16, 2023

10:00 AM - 

6:00 PM

4513 Manhattan College Pkwy 

Bronx, NY 10471

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    Manhattan College’s O’Malley Library Gallery will host Kristi Pfister’s “Radical Action: Tracing Dorothy Day” from September 18th through December 16th. “Radical Action”  is an installation of suspended fabric columns, marble mosaics, and mixed media work that explores the duality of Day's radical actions and her spiritual self. The mosaic's concrete strength contrasts with translucent columns on which Pfister has traced patterned fragments of drawings. A large-scale painted scroll presents Day as a modern-day caryatid leading a procession of activism.

    You can come experience the exhibit at the O’Malley library gallery (4513 Manhattan College Parkway, Bronx, NY) daily this fall between 10 am and 6 pm. Please be especially sure to join us for a reception and artist talk on Thursday October 26th from 5-7pm. Pfister will deliver some brief remarks right at five. We hope to see you there!

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