
Dorothy Day: laywoman, peace activist, Catholic convert, single mother, co-founder of the Catholic Worker movement– and perhaps soon, a saint!

The Dorothy Day Guild is an association of the faithful working together to support and advance the cause of canonization for Dorothy Day. Since 2005, the Guild has assisted the official sainthood cause for Dorothy in the Roman Catholic Church and has worked to promote her legacy of Gospel nonviolence and voluntary poverty.

About the Dorothy Day Guild

We are an association of the faithful who work to forward the canonization cause of Dorothy Day, a laywoman, Catholic convert, peace activist, single mother, and co-founder of the Catholic Worker movement. Founded in 2005, the Guild supports the official sainthood process for Dorothy and promotes her legacy of voluntary poverty and nonviolence and her unique witness to the Gospel.

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The greatest challenge of the day is: how to bring about a revolution of the heart, a revolution which has to start with each one of us?


Graces, Favors, and Miracles

One of the Guild’s responsibilities is to document the help granted through Dorothy Day’s intercession. Nothing should be viewed as too insignificant to report.

With gratitude, we welcome your sharing.

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Latest News

By Casey Mullaney 14 Aug, 2024
Updates from the National Eucharistic Congress, reading recs, and some amazing documentary footage.
By Casey Mullaney 09 Jul, 2024
Dear members and friends of the Dorothy Day Guild, We hope this month’s missive finds you well! Here at the Guild, we are enjoying some beautiful summer weather and making prayerful and practical preparations for the National Eucharistic Congress next week. It’s hard to believe how the summer is flying by, so I’m especially grateful for the opportunity to pause and reflect on the events and fellowship of the past month before we dive into another busy time of fellowship, liturgy, and celebration.
By Casey Mullaney 10 Jun, 2024
Dear friends, Warm June greetings from all of us at the Dorothy Day Guild! As we settle into the liturgical season of Ordinary time, the time of the Church, we hope that this missive finds you enjoying a sense of vitality and growth in community. For Dorothy, the rhythms of Ordinary time reflected the goodness of everyday life and the quiet presence of God in the shared meals, celebrations, and work of life together in her family and at the Catholic Worker. A disciple of Peter Maurin and of “the Little Way,” Dorothy knew that the path to holiness is found through a lifetime of these small moments and practices undertaken with love.

Why Join the Dorothy Day Guild?

If you believe in the significance of Dorothy Day's life, joining the Dorothy Day Guild is a direct way to show that you support the cause for her canonization. In turn, the steady growth of Guild membership points to the vitality of grassroots support for the cause and allows us to continue offering free programming and resources to promote Dorothy’s legacy of hospitality, voluntary poverty, and Gospel nonviolence.


Upcoming Events

Dorothy Day Walking Pilgrimage

October 25th, 2024

3:00 PM-5:00 PM

Union Square

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    Join us for a walking pilgrimage of significant sites in Dorothy’s life and the early years of the Catholic Worker movement on Friday, October 25th. This pilgrimage takes us to the places where Dorothy prayed, protested, and offered the works of mercy for nearly 50 years. 

    Beginning in Union Square, the pilgrimage route takes about two hours to walk and concludes at Maryhouse, Dorothy Day’s final home. For more information and to view a map, please click here.

Radical Action: Tracing Dorothy Day

September 18, 2023 —

September 2024

10:00 AM - 

6:00 PM

4513 Manhattan College Pkwy 

Bronx, NY 10471

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    Manhattan College’s O’Malley Library Gallery will host Kristi Pfister’s “Radical Action: Tracing Dorothy Day” from September 18th through December 16th. “Radical Action”  is an installation of suspended fabric columns, marble mosaics, and mixed media work that explores the duality of Day's radical actions and her spiritual self. The mosaic's concrete strength contrasts with translucent columns on which Pfister has traced patterned fragments of drawings. A large-scale painted scroll presents Day as a modern-day caryatid leading a procession of activism.

    You can come experience the exhibit at the O’Malley library gallery (4513 Manhattan College Parkway, Bronx, NY) daily this fall between 10 am and 6 pm. Please be especially sure to join us for a reception and artist talk on Thursday October 26th from 5-7pm. Pfister will deliver some brief remarks right at five. We hope to see you there!

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