
Dorothy Day: laywoman, peace activist, Catholic convert, single mother, co-founder of the Catholic Worker movement– and perhaps soon, a saint!

The Dorothy Day Guild is an association of the faithful working together to support and advance the cause of canonization for Dorothy Day. Since 2005, the Guild has assisted the official sainthood cause for Dorothy in the Roman Catholic Church and has worked to promote her legacy of Gospel nonviolence and voluntary poverty.

About the Dorothy Day Guild

We are an association of the faithful who work to forward the canonization cause of Dorothy Day, a laywoman, Catholic convert, peace activist, single mother, and co-founder of the Catholic Worker movement. Founded in 2005, the Guild supports the official sainthood process for Dorothy and promotes her legacy of voluntary poverty and nonviolence and her unique witness to the Gospel.

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The greatest challenge of the day is: how to bring about a revolution of the heart, a revolution which has to start with each one of us?


Graces, Favors, and Miracles

One of the Guild’s responsibilities is to document the help granted through Dorothy Day’s intercession. Nothing should be viewed as too insignificant to report.

With gratitude, we welcome your sharing.

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Latest News

By Casey Mullaney February 10, 2025
Dear friends and members of the Dorothy Day Guild, We hope that this missive finds you well on the feast of St. Scholastica, twin sister to St. Benedict and the founder of the first Benedictine monastic community for women. Taught by Peter Maurin, who loved the communitarian spirit of the Benedictine monks and nuns, and the esteem in which they held hospitality and manual labor, Dorothy took an early interest in the Benedictine tradition.
Dorothy photographed with community members at the Peter Maurin farm. Photo by Vivian Cherry
By Casey Mullaney January 26, 2025
Dear friends and members of the Dorothy Day Guild, Greetings to each of you on a chilly winter morning! As I write this, the sun is peeking over the trees and illuminating the bird tracks on the snowy rooftop outside my window. These crisp days are exciting, especially for those of us who are just beginning the semester at school or university, and we hope each of you is finding fulfillment in good work undertaken in the new year. Our Catholic Worker community here in South Bend was recently blessed with a visit from our dear friend Carmen Trotta, an advisor to the Dorothy Day Guild and long-time member of the New York Catholic Worker community.
By Casey Mullaney December 23, 2024
Dear friends and members of the Dorothy Day Guild, As Advent draws to a close and we anticipate the Nativity of the Lord, we hope that these are days of joyful waiting for each of you! All of us at the Guild welcome the chance to be in touch with you and to share a few updates, photos, and reflections before the great celebrations of Christmas. Dorothy loved this time of year

Why Join the Dorothy Day Guild?

If you believe in the significance of Dorothy Day's life, joining the Dorothy Day Guild is a direct way to show that you support the cause for her canonization. In turn, the steady growth of Guild membership points to the vitality of grassroots support for the cause and allows us to continue offering free programming and resources to promote Dorothy’s legacy of hospitality, voluntary poverty, and Gospel nonviolence.


Upcoming Events

Dorothy Day: Spiritual Writings Lenten Book Club

Sunday, March 9th, 2025-Sunday, April 6th, 2025

7:30 PM Eastern to 8:30 PM Eastern


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    This year, Dorothy Day Guild board member and editor in chief of Orbis Books, Robert Ellsberg, will host our online reading group over the course of five Sundays in Lent. During our time together, we will work through Robert's newest edited volume of Dorothy's work, entitled Dorothy Day: Spiritual Writings. This collection,

    "explores the key themes that underlay [Dorothy's} spirituality, beginning with the call to see Christ in the poor. Day’s spirituality was deeply influenced by the “Little Way” of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, which showed the path to holiness in the daily exercise of patience, charity, and forgiveness. Dorothy extended this principle to the social dimension, the significance of the little protests we make or fail to make. She believed that each act of love, each witness for peace, increases the balance of love and peace in the world."

    If you do not yet have your own copy of Dorothy Day: Spiritual Writings, you can purchase a copy through Orbis Books. We also encourage book club members to request a copy through their local public library. We look forward to a series of wonderful conversations as we journey together with Christ, and with Dorothy, in the Lenten season.

    Meeting schedule: Sunday evenings at 7:30 pm Eastern/6:30 pm Central

    Each meeting will last one hour.

Dorothy Day Symposium: Practices of Peace in the Year of Jubilee

Saturday, March 29th, 2025

9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Manhattan University

4513 Manhattan College Pkwy 

Bronx, NY 10471

and online.

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    In his announcement of the upcoming 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope, Pope Francis called the faithful to read the signs of the times and to search amongst them for signs of hope. The Holy Father tells us that the first of these must be “the desire for peace in our world, which once more finds itself immersed in the tragedy of war…May the Jubilee remind us that those who are peacemakers will be called ‘children of God’ (Mt 5:9). The need for peace challenges us all, and demands that concrete steps be taken.” Likewise, Pope Francis asks the wider Christian community to offer real signs of hope to the poor at home and across the world whose material needs go unmet. In the life and legacy of Dorothy Day, we read these signs.

    Registration is now open for our for a one-day symposium! This event sponsored by the Dorothy Day Guild and the Dorothy Day Center for the Study and Promotion of Social Catholicism on Saturday, March 29th, 2025 on the campus of Manhattan University in the Bronx, NY. Click here to read the initial call for papers and view the preliminary symposium schedule.

    We invite scholars at every level and peace practitioners whose life and work have been influenced by Dorothy Day’s legacy to join us in March for a day of shared conversation, clarification of thought, prayer, and fellowship.

The Long Pilgrimage of Dorothy Day

Robert Ellsberg, Publisher, Orbis Books

Monday, March 31st, 2025

7:00 PM Eastern- 8:30 PM Eastern

Wallace Hall,  St. Ignatius Loyola Parish

980 Park Ave, New York, NY 10028

Livestream (Click here)

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    Robert Ellsberg will reflect on Day's long life "on pilgrimage," and the way her faith was tested by daily life and the challenges of history.

    About the Presenter

    Robert Ellsberg, the publisher of Orbis Books, worked with Dorothy Day for the last five years of her life, serving for two years as managing editor of "The Catholic Worker." He has spent much of his life promoting her life and legacy, including editing six volumes of her writings (most recently, "Dorothy Day: Spiritual Writings.") 

    He is well-known for his many books on saints and holiness, including "All Saints: Daily Reflections on Saints, Prophets, and Witnesses for Our Time," "A Living Gospel," and "Blessed Among Us," drawn his reflections for "Give Us This Day.

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