The Dorothy Day Guild
4513 Manhattan College Parkway
Bronx, NY 10471
Volume 1 (digital), Issue 1
June 2023
Historian, educator, and author, Anne Klejment, professor emerita of history at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, has devoted much of her scholarship to the study of Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker, casting a special light on Day’s pacifism. How grateful we are for this “Good Talk” with her, illuminating its roots, growth, and prophetic significance.
Judy Coode, new Communications Director for Pax Christi USA, reflects on the persistent presence of Dorothy Day in her life. From her FB page right after college where she immediately placed a signature quote to her now office in D.C. twenty years later, Dorothy is a staple in her work to fight “this filthy, rotten system.”
Catholic Worker houses that spring up like so many flowers make it hard to keep their count! Fumiaki Tosu recounts the start of possibly the newest, this past fall: Dandelion House in Portland, Oregon, a sisterhouse to the Los Angeles Catholic Worker (This article was originally published in LACW’s The Catholic Agitator.)
The cause for the canonization of Dorothy Day has arrived safely in Rome – all 137 archival boxes of evidence of her holiness, over 50,000 pages! – freeing the Guild now to turn its creative energies to outreach and educational initiatives with the help of new Coordinator, Casey Mullaney, who shares the most recent, exciting developments.
Writer and activist, Mary Beth Becker (and the sister/consultant to our interim editor) plumbs the deep waters traveled on the inaugural ride of Staten Island’s new ferry boat, the Dorothy Day.
Upon the publication of this first digital issue of In Our Time -- dedicated to exploring the primacy of Dorothy Day’s nonviolence -- the editorial team gratefully offers this prayerful reflection.
(and in the tradition of the Catholic Worker to help "clarify thought"),
here are some engaging articles on nonviolence:
Nonviolence as a way of life.
"In a violent world, some find Gospel nonviolence a worthy alternative."
(Our thanks for viewing to the
National Catholic Reporter)
More light on the full flowering of Day's pacifism.
"The Spirituality of Dorothy Day's Pacifism,"
by Anne Klejment
(Permission to view thanks to U.S. Catholic Historian)
Vivid recounting by one who was there of the
Catholic Worker's efforts to practice peace.
"The Roots of Dorothy Day's Pacifism:
Solidarity, Compassion, and a Stubborn Hold on Truth,"
by Tom Cornell
(Our thanks for viewing to the Houston Catholic Worker)
An inflection point in American Catholic history.
"We Are Still Pacifists:
Dorothy Day's Pacifism during World War II,"
by Sandra Yokum Mize
(Thanks to
American Catholic Studies and JSTOR,
full access available for the month of July.
Hard copies, upon request, available from the Guild.)
Documenting the dogged protest of the air-raid drills.
"Spiritual Exercises," from the archives of In Our Time
Blessed and be-ribboned boxes of evidence sent to Rome in 2022,
marking the start of the final phase of the inquiry into Day’s holiness.
for Joining the Dorothy Day Guild
as a New Member or a Renewing Member
and/or for Making a Donation.
Lower East Side, Bro. Mickey McGrath
(long the home to Day, pictured lower right, writing)
We'd love to hear from you!
And learn what is
on your minds,
in your hearts,
or your prayers
about Dorothy
and the cause.
(subject line: In Our Time)
Editorial and Production Team
Carolyn Zablotny, Interim Editor
Colleen Dulle
Anthony Santella
Gabriella Wilke
Writers: Mary Beth Becker, Judy Coode, Anne Klejment, Casey Mullaney,
Fumi Tosu
Mindy Indy,
Linda Henry Orell
Ade Bethune, “Peace Tree,” masthead; “Vine and Branches,” border
Our deep thanks to Bro. Martin Erspamer, OSB, for the use of his iconic images (preceding columns for “Good Talk,” “Breaking Bread,” “Sowing Seeds,” “Signs of Holiness”) and to Bro. Mickey McGrath, OSFS, for the use of his illustration, “Lower East Side.”
A Woman of Conscience, a Saint for Our Time
The Dorothy Day Guild supports and advances the cause for canonization of Dorothy Day, initiated by the Archdiocese of New York as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church, and promotes, for the benefit of all people interested in social justice, awareness of Dorothy Day, her writings, the Catholic Worker Movement she co-founded, and her life and witness to the Gospel.
The Dorothy Day Guild
4513 Manhattan College Parkway
Bronx, NY 10471
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