Cause for Canonization

In 2000, following the petition of the Archbishop of New York Cardinal John O’Connor — who had held extensive consultations with those who knew and worked closely with her — Dorothy was named a “Servant of God. In 2005, the Dorothy Day Guild was established to help gather evidence of her holiness. In 2012, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops unanimously voiced its support for her sainthood.

At a Mass in St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Dec. 8, 2021, Cardinal Timothy Dolan announced the completion of the local diocesan phase and the beginning of the Roman phase of the canonization process. Materials sent to the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Causes of Saints included eyewitness interviews; a biography; theological reviews of her works; and Dorothy’s letters, diaries, books, arrest records and even her FBI file. In 2022, the Guild was informed that all necessary documentation had been received to proceed with next steps. Dorothy’s cause is now in Rome, and in November of 2023 we received news that Monsignor Maurizio Tagliaferri has been appointed by the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints as the relator for Dorothy's cause. We now await the announcement that the positio summary of her life of heroic virtue has been accepted. At this time, Dorothy can be declared “Venerable,” the next step in the canonization process.


1980 - 2000

November 29, 1980

Dorothy Day dies at Maryhouse.


Claretian Fathers begin advocacy for Dorothy Day Canonization.

November 19, 1997

 Cardinal O’Connor announces that he will begin exploration of the possibility of canonization of Dorothy Day.


 Cardinal O’Connor holds meetings with those who knew Dorothy Day, soliciting their support.

February 23,2000

Cardinal O’ Connor formally requests that the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in Rome consider her canonization and personally appeals to Saint John Paul II.

March 2000

The Holy See grants Dorothy Day the title “Servant of God".

2001 - 2015


Dorothy Day Guild is established. Guild starts to build support for Dorothy Day's canonization.


Cardinal Dolan receives formal endorsement from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for her canonization.

October 24, 2014

Jeff Korgen is appointed as part-time Coordinator for the Dorothy Day Inquiry.

September 25, 2015

Pope Francis mentions Dorothy Day as one of four great Americans in his speech to the Joint Session of Congress.

2015 - Present


Testimonies begin to be collected.

October 31, 2017

1st Session of Diocesan Inquiry

•Fr. Richard Welch named Cardinal's Delegate for the Cause.

•Officials of the Inquiry are appointed.

•Historical Commission is established.

•Theological Censors are chosen.

•Roman Postlator is established.

February 12, 2018

Dorothy Day recognized as Benedictine Oblate.

September 6, 2018

Dorothy Day Guild Seeks Volunteers to Transcribe Diaries.

December 8, 2021

Historic send-off of the evidence of Day's holiness to Rome's Congregation for the Causes of Saints, celebrated with a Mass of Thanksgiving at New York's St. Patrick's Cathedral

November 2023

Monsignor Maurizio Tagliaferri appointed as relator for Dorothy's cause.

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